Coconut & Peach Agar Agar Panna-Cotta

When I stopped using beef products a few years ago, I also stopped making a lot of puddings and sweets that relied on beef gelatin. But recently I’ve been playing a lot more with agar-agar, and you’ll see it popping up from time to time in my kitchen!


  • 400ml thick coconut milk

  • 200ml milk (or soy, or almond)

  • 200g peaches, puréed.

  • 100g sugar

  • 1tsp agar-agar powder.

  • Optional topping layer:
    -200ml peaches puréed
    -200ml water
    -1/2tsp agar powder

  • Bring all ingredients to a boil over medium heat, stirring all the time.

  • Pour into moulds, refrigerate until set.

  • Repeat the same process for the topping layer if you’re using that.
    *Pour carefully over the main layer. The layers are meant to stick together, so the first pouring should have set but should still be slightly sticky.

You can serve these in cups, or unmoulded. The texture should be of a firm but smooth Panna Cotta.

The layers give a nice fancy effect.

The layers give a nice fancy effect.


Eating during a heatwave:


Silky smooth vegetarian Chocolate Pot Creams.